Singer Slant manuals & more: )
Been sorting through various Slant manuals in my possession recently & thought it might be good to show some of them here. Singer Manuals of the period, early 1960s, are very comprehensive & not seen nowadays. The 431 Convertible is 104 pages of real details. The 403 Special is 96 pages. The 411 is 104. Imagine that these days? No chance. The Singer 411 manual, shown bottom left, is Multi-lingual even. It is pictorial, no text, just diagrams which are clearly understandable by any nationality! Has 66 pages of easily understood info, including an index. From 1963 I believe. Printed in Western Germany... When the Berlin Wall divided Germany. Lubrication points: Just plugging it in: Fancy stitches? Is that cool, or what? Whatever language you speak? I think that is very cool. From 60 years ago. What a shame you can't find similar now?? Online or anywhere. If you ever come across one of the 411G machines with the Switchable Treadle/Electric options you may have the particula...